Are you wondering what to get your girlfriend for Christmas?
December 25th is only two weeks away, and many of us are starting to feel the pressure of finding that perfect gift for a special someone.
Are you wondering what to get your girlfriend for Christmas?
December 25th is only two weeks away, and many of us are starting to feel the pressure of finding that perfect gift for a special someone.
In our previous “Tagalong Trap” post we talked in general about cooperative games, what components make them “true co-op games” where both players perform active and meaningful roles. We also cited examples of how we implemented these components when designing Shadow Puppeteer.
This time, we will go more into depth about specific ways of working when developing co-op games and give examples of how this was done for Shadow Puppeteer.
We were honored to be asked by Develop Magazine’s Will Freeman to share some short tips on how to finance an early-stage game company for his article “Funding Your Game.”
If you have not yet read this article (page 14-15), we encourage you to do so as it includes funding advice and shared experiences from several talented and experienced game developers.
Inspired by this article, we wanted to write a longer post about funding, and share with you our personal experiences on work for hire.
Previously we wrote about how to prepare for showing off your game at trade shows, giving you a timeline for when things need to be done and what to think about. This week we want to talk more about the specifics of, and differences between having a stand at a consumer- or industry oriented event. From this post we hope that you come away with new knowledge for when you travel to show off your amazing game.
This weeks blogpost takes you through some basic steps of 3D modeling for games. We talk about how our 3D-modellers participate in creating the Shadow Puppeteer world and some of the challenges to be mindful of. The post has been written by our 3D-artist @annabananalena (in New Norwegian) and translated by CEO @CathInShadow.