Ever since Tennis for two in 1958, games designed for two or more players have been fairly common. Many games claim to be co-op, but merely offer an experience where only one player is needed to beat the game, while the other can simply “tag along.” In these games, the second player is effectively rendered superfluous and begs the question: How can we design true co-op games to avoid this “tagalong trap?”
Category Archives: Game design
Favourite game: Driver: San Francisco
This week we continue our series about the different Shadow Puppeteer Team Members’ “Favourite games”. This week’s post is by Anna Lena.
Concept Development: The Art of the Caves / Mines
We wanted an area in the game that was organic. Something to provide as a stark contrast to the industrial area. We talked a lot about the journey that the Boy and Shadow undertake. They leave behind something that is familiar and safe and explore an unknown world. To us, part of that would be to bring them back to nature.
We looked at the possibilities with a forest, with treehouses and interesting play with shadows against tree trunks, and we discussed caves. Ultimately, caves would give us more options and was better suited for varied gameplay. Bigger surfaces made it easier to design levels.
Summer intermission
As summer vacation in Norway is soon coming to an end, we will be starting on our
blogging again in a couple of weeks. Our posts will become more exciting as we are closing
in on our release deadline so make sure to tune in.
For now we will leave you with a small intermission of images from our office. Here you can
also see our temporary assisting 3D animator Torjus working on the Shadow Puppeteer
-rig. Torjus is a great guy that will be helping us out.
Concept Development: The Art of the Fishing Town
Today’s post is by Marianne. If you haven’t already read «Concept Development: The Art of the Island Village», we suggest you do so. It describes the initial design process that formed the base for all of the worlds.
After establishng the look for the Island Village, Philip and I moved on to the Fishing Town. Also working with us was concept artist Ørjan. We discussed how the people of the Fishing Town would differ from the Island villagers, while finding images for inspiration.