Tag Archives: character development

Shadow Puppeteer shadow cat animation

Animating the Shadow Cat

Today’s post is by Marianne and Philip and will be about 2D animations in Shadow Puppeteer. Animation is essential in Shadow Puppeteer. Part of the reason why Philip was brought onto the team in the first place was because of his 2D animation skills.

When we talk about 2D in Shadow Puppeteer we’re almost always talking about the shadows. While real shadows have shapes similar to their objects, we wanted to create weird- looking and unnatural shadows in our world. Since the shadows have come alive we wanted the world to feel unfamiliar and strange.

This is perhaps most evident in the shadow monsters, like the cat.

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The different designs of the Boy in Shadow Puppeteer

Character design: The Boy

Today’s post will take you through the design process for the boy, from the first sketches in 2010. to the final, refined look.

The very first concept of the boy was presented for the Dare to be Digital contest to show the idea behind the game. It was team member, Torgeir, that designed the look and feel of the early style for the game. Torgeir is no longer an employee in Sarepta studio, but he will always live on in our hearts (and in the game, as several other members of  the team has pointed out the resemblence between the two).  But he didn’t start out like that.

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