Category Archives: Tips and tricks

How to plan and execute a successful trade show – Part 2

Previously we wrote about how to prepare for showing off your game at trade shows, giving you a timeline for when things need to be done and what to think about. This week we want to talk more about the specifics of, and differences between having a stand at a consumer- or industry oriented event. From this post we hope that you come away with new knowledge for when you travel to show off your amazing game.

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Blogpost basic 3D-graphics for games

Basics of 3D modeling for games

This weeks blogpost takes you through some basic steps of 3D modeling for games. We talk about how our 3D-modellers participate in creating the Shadow Puppeteer world and some of the challenges to be mindful of. The post has been written by our 3D-artist @annabananalena (in New Norwegian) and translated by CEO @CathInShadow.

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Super Mario Maker Shadow PUppeteer Level Design Blogpost

Great level design tips, using Super Mario Maker™

Level design is about being creative, engaging the players and leading them through your game. Depending on the type of game, the way you design levels and what tools you use may vary.

What happens when indie game designers are challenged to make a level using Super Mario Maker? Which lessons can they teach other budding designers? That is exactly what we are exploring in today’s Development Blog.

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Tips and tricks planning a game tradeshow expo EGX

How to plan and execute a successful tradeshow

A little while ago Catharina and Marianne went to Birmingham to showcase Shadow Puppeteer at Nintendo’s EGX stand. Throughout the years, they have attended many expos so in this blogpost they are sharing their experience and will provide many good tips and tricks on how to plan and execute a successful trade show.

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